Ramseytest STE2200F2
Vynikající izolační komora pro efektivní transport bezdrátových zařízení.
- Popis
- Možnosti
- Vlastnosti
- vynikající izolační komora pro efektivní transport bezdrátových zařízení
- vyvinuta speciálně pro forenzní účely
- poskytuje maximální izolaci pro signály mobilních sítí, WiFi nebo GPS
- vybavena novým GEN-2 RF systémem těsnění
- vybavena nejnovější GEN-2 RF absorbční a odraznou pěnou
- snadná manipulace s víkem
- vysoce kavlitní a odolný materiál a petlice pro visací zámek zabraňují neoprávněné manipulaci se zařízením a umožňují zachování chain of custody
- na přání možno vybavit řadou filtrovaných I/O konektorů, vč. USB – umožňuje napájení a datové připojení zařízení při zachování útlumu přes 80 dB
The STE2200F2 is designed specifically for securing and isolating cell phones and other small communications devices on-site for transport to your lab for evaluation and interrogation. Its small size also makes it perfect for compact yet secured storage of one or more wireless devices.
The moment the device is secured into the STE2200F2 it is isolated from the carrier’s network, regardless of the carrier or the frequency bands in use by them. The device is also fully isolated from WiFi signal sources, including both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz and therefore covering any combination of 802.11a/b/g/n/ac protocols. Once secured from outside signals, the device is protected from remote kill commands, remote lock commands, remote self-destruct commands, as well as being protected from GPS and location tracking.
If a device is collected on site with our STE2200F2, when you return to your lab, it can easily be transferred into one of our larger forensics enclosures for a full forensics evaluation and interrogation. And while the STE2200F2 is primarily utilized for collection, our high speed USB2.0 Interface can be easily installed giving you direct connection to the device for both data access and battery charging while maintaining >80 dB isolation. This can be particularly useful to maintain device power to eliminate the threat of a power-down lockout or self-destruct script being executed.
While compact in size, the STE2200F2 is constructed to the same precision-machined tolerances as our larger models in order to assure an exceptionally well shielded environment. Heavy duty, rugged .090″ and .125″ aluminum is used throughout the enclosure. New for 2014 it also features our custom engineered GEN-2 RF gaskets. With over a year in the R&D lab, these new gaskets provide a previously unheard of and flawless RF seal while being immune to the fixed compression set of typical stainless gaskets. Likewise, also new for 2014 the STE2200F2 also features our GEN-2 RF absorbent and reflective foam lining. This foam was designed from the ground up, to our demanding specifications to provide maximum performance over all operating frequencies and bands. What does all this mean? A total isolation effectiveness greater than 110 dB, and the assurance that you’re confiscated devices WILL be isolated from any network carrier out there!
Tamper-proof hardware and a padlockable latch prohibits unauthorized access and maintains the chain of custody for the devices collected. When opened, the steady-hold hinge maintains the cover position where it was left, making it easy to load, unload, and latch the enclosure. And don’t be confused by its small size, once on-site, nearly two dozen smart phones can fit inside one single STE2200F2! That’s something the average pouch can’t say!
If you or your department is looking for an economical and compact highly isolated first tier collection or storage system, the STE2200F2 is your best choice. Thousands of departments can’t be wrong!
Pro konfiguraci komory STE2200F2 na základě vašich požadavků vám rádi připravíme cenovou nabídku!
Pro vyžádání nabídky klikněte zde.
Otázky k tomuto produktu?
Zavolejte nám na +420 315 55 88 70 nebo nás kontaktujte a my vám rádi pomůžeme.
Data Adapter Kits
USB 2.0 High Speed I/O Interface Photo
The ultimate high speed I/O interface for USB2.0
Hardware Options and Accessories
Steel Friction Hinge Photo
- skvělé pro zajištění stop a jejich transport
- 1/2″ GEN-2 vysoce kvalitní RF pěnová výplň
- GEN-2 vysoce kvalitní RF těsnění
- snadná manipulace s víkem
- zajištěno proti manipulaci se stopou
Rozměry / Hmotnost
Vnější: 4.5″H x 7.2″W x 9.8″D / 11,45 x 18,3 x 24,9 cm
Vnitřní: 3.2″H x 6.0″W x 8.5″D / 8,1 x 15,2 x 21,5 cm
Hmotnost: 7lbs. / 3.18kg.
>120dB @ 918MHz >110dB @ 2.4GHz >100dB @ 5.8GHz
Ve standardním provedení nejsou. Na přání STEUSB2071 filtrovaný USB2.0 konektor pro data a 5V dobíjení